Registration Information and About Us.

Notices for booking:
Please do not double-book appointments.

For the CV checks
if you are an ETH or UZH student, please use your own university or a third party provider.

Your appointments will be cancelled if you:
double book,
book more than one CV check or Photo appointment,
book more than two one-to-one company meetings,
abuse the booking system.

We are the Young Scientist Network, a non-profit organization created and run by a group of graduate students & post-docs of the University and the ETH Zurich. Young Scientist Network operates under the wing of Life Science Zurich culminating in our acronym LSZYSN.

We strive to reduce the existing gap between academic research and the life science industry.

We host events to allow young academics to explore the world of biotechnology and to stimulate constructive interactions between people from various life science sectors.

We envision that our efforts will contribute to the formation of a well-informed, competitively skilled and well-connected local and global life science community.

Contact us

 Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zurich Switzerland